Supervision :
Elliott Sucré, Jehan-Hervé Lignot, Georgina A. Rivera-Ingraham
Département de Sciences et Technologies
Université de rattachement : Université de Montpellier
Laboratoire : MARBEC
dimitri.theuerkauff @
Téléphone : +262 (0)2 69 61 07 62
Adresse postale : CUFR, RN3 BP53, 97660 Dembeni, Mayotte
Cours enseignés : Séances de travaux pratiques (TP) et dirigés (TD)
SV 404 : Ecotoxicologie 1 (3h TP)
SV 405: Traitement des données en écologie (15h TD, 15h TP)
SV 501 : Métazoaires 2 (6h TD, 21h TP)
Dimitri Theuerkauff est un biologiste marin spécialisé en biologie intégrative. Il réalise sa thèse dans ce cadre avec l’Université de Montpellier. Il étudie la physiologie des crabes de mangroves dans un environnement changeant : salinité, température,… mais également soumis à la pollution d’origine anthropique avec l’impact du rejet des eaux usées domestiques.
Projets de recherches : Impact des eaux usées sur les crabes de mangrove.
Theuerkauff, D.; Rivera-Ingraham, G.A.;Roques, J.; Azzopardi, L.; Lejeune, M.; Farcy, E.; Lignot, J.-H.; Sucré, E. Are salinity-induced bioenergetics costs determining microhabitat preference? A mechanistic approach using mangrove crabs. Submitted to Zoological Studies.
IF 2016: 1.008, Q3: Zoology 85/163
Rivera-Ingraham, G.A.;Theuerkauff, D.; Nommick, A.; Lignot, J.-H. Differential salinity preference in mangrove crabs: a physiological investigation to assess potential consequences of salinity disturbances in mangrove ecosystems. Submitted to Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.
IF 2016: 2.104, Q1 Zoology 31/163, Q3 Physiology 47/84
Theuerkauff, D., Rivera-Ingraham, G.A., Mercky, Y., Lejeune, M., Lignot, J.-H. & Sucré, E., 2018. Effects of domestic effluent discharges on mangrove crab physiology: integrated energetic, osmoregulatory and redox balances of a key engineer species. Aquatic Toxicology. 196, 90–103. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.01.003.
IF2016: 4.129, Q1 Marine & Freshwater Biology 3/105; Q1 Toxicology 10/92.
Theuerkauff, D.*; Lambert, S.; Rivera-Ingraham, G.A.; Mercky, Y.; Sucré, E.; Lignot, J.-H. Mangrove as biofilters: how do crabs physiologically react to enhanced ammonium inputs? In: SICB meeting, San Francisco, 2018. (talk).
Theuerkauff, D.; Rivera-Ingraham, G.A; Lejeune, M.; Lambert, S.; Mercky, Y.; Sucré, E., Lignot, J.H.* Differential effects of wastewater exposure on subtropical Mangrove crabs: towards the identification of vulnerable species. In: 3rd Conference in Animal Ecophysiology, Strasbourg, 2017. (talk).
Theuerkauff, D.*; Lambert, S.; Mercky, Y.; Rivera-Ingraham, G.A.; Lejeune, M.; Lignot, J.-H.; Sucré, E. Mangrove crab distribution in a disturbed area: consequences of wastewater release. In: 10th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium, Tanzania, 2017. (talk).
Theuerkauff, D.*; Rivera-Ingraham, G.A; Lejeune, M.; Mercky, Y.; Lambert, S.; Lignot, J.H.; Sucré, E. Mangroves as biofilters: the other side of the coin with mangrove crabs being differentially affected by wastewater release. In: Society for Experimental Biology Meeting, Copenhaguen, Göteborg. 2017. (talk).
Rivera-Ingraham, G.A*.; Theuerkauff, D.; Nommick, A.; Lignot, J.H. Reactive oxygen species: their influence on osmoregulation and redox metabolism. In: 13th ESCPB, Barcelona, Spain. September 2016. (talk). Click to view.
Theuerkauff, D.*; Mercky, Y.; Rivera-Ingraham, G.A.; Farcy, E.; Sucré, E.; Lignot, J.H. An ecophysiological approach to monitoring the effects of wastewater discharge using a tropical mangrove crab. In: 13th ESCPB, Barcelona, Spain. September 2016. (talk).
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