The school aims to introduce graduate students and young researchers to probabilistic and statistical models with a focus on applications in environment and epidemiology. It is also aimed at non-specialist practitioners wishing to connect their research to the field of random modeling. The participants will be provided with an introduction to basic material and necessary background before proceeding with the more advanced topics. Beside lectures, we are also planning sessions devoted to solving exercices and computers experiments. This school also aims to promote the development of mathematics in Madagascar providing new research opportunities not only for participants from the University of Fianarantsoa and other Malagasy universities but also for universities of the Indian ocean and African mainland subregion.
8 rue de l'Université - Iloni - BP 53 - 97660 DEMBENI
02 69 61 07 62
Département Lettres et Sciences humaines
Département Sciences et Technologies
Admission en Droit-Economie-Gestion
Admission Lettres et Sciences Humaines
Admission Sciences et Technologies